Capella Space released radar satellite images with a very high resolution
In 1957 the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched into orbit, and it opened the space age characterized by thousands of satellites that, thanks to GPS and image detection, are able to support the observation of weather changes and are useful for scientific studies and research, for radio and television broadcasts and for telephone and internet communications.
Up to now, the best resolution achieved by satellites has reached one meter by 25 centimetres, but the US company Capella Space has launched the first commercial satellite, Sequoia, that can offer images of the Earth’s surface at a very high resolution, of 50 centimetres by 50 centimetres. According to the American company, the quality of the images provided by the 107 kilograms satellite, can reach 25 centimetres by 25 centimetres with a bandwidth of 500 MHz.
It is interesting to know that the name Capella Space refers to Capella, the brightest star belonging to the Auriga constellation. The main goal of the Californian company is to create space technologies that can “better commerce, conservation, and the well-being of all people” because “the key to creating a better world lies in the timely observation of our planet”.
Sar, Synthetic Aperture Radar, is the technology used by NASA to record sub-meter changes on the Earth’s surface since the 1970s. Capella Space also makes use of it and it is thanks to this type of radar if objects can be seen through fog, clouds and smog. In fact, optical satellites are hampered by atmospheric conditions and lack of light, optical imaging can only return 25% of the earth’s surface in the presence of clouds or in the event of a partial or total absence of light.
The Sequoia satellite will be able to detect signals and understand changes to promote commerce, avoid disasters and save lives. However, the fact that Capella Space has supported the sale of radar images and has provided a platform in order to observe the Earth’s surface through an archive of high-resolution pictures that are, moreover, always available, has raised many doubts about security and privacy.
“The 21st Century landscape is defined by change: to the climate, in aging infrastructures, from disruptive technologies and political upheavals. Mitigating the effects of these varied events is difficult – and nearly impossible – without access to timely data converted into relevant and actionable information. We capture and track small-scale movements on the surface of the Earth – at ports and along pipelines, in fields and on the high seas, anywhere change is occurring – and provide this data in the form you need to gain an edge. It’s information that brings new insights to your analytical models, forecasts, and business methods, helping you manage risk”, Capella Space.
The constellation of satellites that now is orbiting the Earth is of great help to know, improve and prevent in real time the changes that occur on the Earth’s surface, in the future we will see if these new radars will be an obstacle for the safety and privacy of all people.