Technology and sustainability: the main ingredients of Samsung’s new solar-powered remote control

As Ces 2021 approaches, more and more details about the products that will be presented at Las Vegas tech exhibition are leaking, and which by the way we remind you that it will be an online event due to the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus. One of the main stars of all time at Ces is Samsung, which this year focuses on sustainability.

During the virtual First Look of Ces 2021, the South Korean multinational gave a preview of its new range of televisions that confirm the company’s commitment to creating a more sustainable, accessible and innovative world. With the “Going Green” path, Samsung promises to reduce the energy consumption of its products and to use more and more recycled materials.

The big novelty in this respect is given by solar-powered remote controls. One of the electronic devices that, from its birth in the period following the Second World War until now, has not undergone many changes, despite being the main TV control tool. Now it is the going to be the subject of a major shift.

The remote controls that will come with 2021 Samsung TVs will be equipped with photovoltaic cells. They will charge both through sollar energy and through the artificial lights of our homes. A few minutes of exposure a day will be enough to keep the battery charged. The only thing you need to pay attention to is remembering to turn the remote control from time to time, as the cells are almost always placed in the back. Should it be necessary, it will be possible to use the USB Type-C port for fast charging. As for the building materials, 24% of the material used comes from plastic bottles.

The idea of sustainability also extends to packaging. Samsung has in fact decided to extend the “eco-packaging” design, much appreciated by consumers, to the entire range of Lifestyle TVs and to most of the Neo QLED models. In addition to being more compact and being made of recycled cardboard, text and graphics on packaging are kept to the bare minimum, in order to drastically reduce the amount of oil-based ink generally used on television boxes.

Another key point in the creation of the new Samsung TVs concerns the topic of accessibility. In fact, there are several features designed to optimize the use of content for people with sight and hearing problems. These include: Caption Moving, Sign Language Zoom and Multi-Output Audio.

Bruno Marnati, Head of Audio Video of Samsung Italy, illustrated the company’s new choices, saying: “During the past year, the role of technology and innovation has been fundamental, but our commitment to innovation, which has always been in Samsung’s DNA, must go hand in hand with the construction of an inclusive and sustainable future: from reducing the ecological footprint of our products, to increasing accessibility functions and offering an unprecedented viewing experience, able to complement any taste and lifestyle. This is Samsung’s vision for the future”.

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