Maké: the perfect Italian espresso wherever you are

For all those who love and are addicted to caffeine and for all those who cannot do without coffee in the morning, during a break, after meals or even before going to bed, a brand new portable device will let you prepare Italian espresso at all hours and in any place: on public transport, in the park, on the beach, during a trekking, in short, wherever you are. 

The idea began with a Chinese engineer Yujun Wu who, after moving to Italy to continue his studies at the Polytechnic of Turin and after being surprised by the unmistakable taste of the real Italian espresso, decided to create the first air espresso machine. The engineer relied on the great skills and experience of the Italian craftsman Emiliano Bracalente to project and realize a compact and pocket-sized coffee machine. 

After three years of many researches and studies and thanks to the support of the Fermo Maketube start-up, we can now discover the revolutionary Maké, the first machine powered by CO2 technology. A safety relief valve and a stopper plate for back-pressure are the two essential components that make Maké a perfect portable espresso machine and a single CO2 cylinder will make about 25 cups of coffee. 

“I designed Maké with a shape that has an extremely functional mood, the result of a work of ‘synthesis and subtraction’ typical of a certain cultural tradition of Italian industrial design, it is at the same time expression, case and mirror of the technical concept”, commented Paolo Piuri, industrial designer. 

For the moment there are two types of Maké, with the classic version you can pour hot water in it, whereas with the smart version a power supply or a power bank can heat water up to the ideal temperature for a perfect espresso. Both are compatible only with disposable pods, a decision taken by its creators precisely in order not to contribute to the increase of waste in the environment as happens with the use of plastic or aluminium capsules. 

From now on, you do not have to forget to put in your backpack or bag these three things: hot water, coffee pod and of course Maké to enjoy an Italian espresso with just one touch, any single time and wherever you are. 

“The air is like music for espresso. It makes it vibrate like sax in a jazz band, producing the crema of a perfect Italian espresso”. 

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