Looking Glass Portrait is the new holographic display

In the past, analogue photography was very important and the photos were the most beautiful and meaningful memories that were carefully kept in photo albums. A few years ago, people took pictures with the disposable camera and then brought the film to develop or waited a few minutes to see the result of their snapshots. Over time, although today snapshots are back in fashion, the world of photography has changed a lot. Currently, everyone can take photos and make videos with a simple smartphone, anytime and anywhere. 

What if it is possible to have three-dimensional photos and videos in a simple way? The answer is Looking Glass Portrait. The Looking Glass Factory company was founded in 2014 and currently has two locations, in Brooklyn and Hong Kong and as its CEO Shawn Frayne said, “A small group of misfits and I founded a company called Looking Glass Factory to prove it was possible to make a real holographic display. We wanted to create a device that could generate living, dynamic, computer-controlled holograms.” 

Looking Glass Portrait is an innovative display that creates and shows holographic photographs, three-dimensional models and videos in a 58-degree viewing cone, so multiple users can simultaneously look at the result from different angles and without the need to have special glasses. In 2018, the company had already realized a first version, but the latest model is both smaller and cheaper. 

The Looking Glass Factory team used the Kickstarter platform, created to support the most creative projects, to launch their own campaign in order to find funding for the new Looking Glass Portrait. The device has a 7.9-inch display with a resolution of 2,048 x 1,536 pixels. It is also equipped with both an HDMI and a USB-C port and a stereo audio jack. But how does it work? The display combines the volumetric display technologies with the light field, in other words, a refraction of light occurs through the glass, after which the light is projected simultaneously on several parts of the screen and this stimulates the mind to see the images in 3D. Users can also upload their own 3D videos, images and models with the Holographic Studio software. Looking Glass Portrait, Looking Glass 15.6 and Looking Glass 8K are the three models currently available. 

“You don’t need to know how to program to use it. This is a device designed for the millions of people that work or play in 3D in any way: Artists, Designers, Developers, Filmmakers, Photographers, and those of you who are just starting to explore three-dimensional capture and creation. Even phones can now capture holograms”, said Shawn Frayne. 

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